Hot U.S. News - HR | Business
Rachel Gordon Rachel Gordon

Hot U.S. News - HR | Business

Are you staying on top of your HR and business compliance strategies? New national rulings ban most noncompete agreements and increase the minimum salary for overtime exemption. These news stories and my employer strategies are a must-read.

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Tech Leaders Embrace Fractional People Ops
Rachel Gordon Rachel Gordon

Tech Leaders Embrace Fractional People Ops

Tech leaders love fractional people ops / HR because it allows them to focus on building technology while benefiting from cost-effectiveness, C-level experience, unbiased perspectives, and nimble creativity.

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Integrating AI into HR
Rachel Gordon Rachel Gordon

Integrating AI into HR

AI is a hot topic across industries and the discussion often comes back to a central question: will AI replace our jobs?

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AI and the Workplace! ๐Ÿš€
Rachel Gordon Rachel Gordon

AI and the Workplace! ๐Ÿš€

Check out the insightful article "ChatGPT Enters the Job Market" where I shared my perspectives on the intersection of AI and human resources.

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